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How to Help Your New Cat Shake Paws with Your In-House Cats

While it may seem convenient to adopt many little kittens simultaneously so that you can raise them together and establish harmonious relationships right from the early days of life, this scenario is not always feasible.

There can be instances where you develop a strong affection for a new furball that you believe would be an ideal addition to your existing family of fully grown cats, who have already marked your home as their territory.

However, consider your life stage and financial prospects before making the decision. Caring for another kitty can mean additional expenses in bare essentials and premiums on cat insurance policies.

If you haven’t bought a policy already, maybe it is high time you contemplate purchasing one for your furry family because the pet insurance cost can be more bearable than potentially hefty vet bills you might have to pay upfront during accidental injuries, particular illnesses, and medical emergencies.

With a bigger fur family, the risks will only multiply, so consider buying a policy as early as possible. In the meantime, read this article to learn how to introduce your new kitty to the already-settled in-house cats.

How to do it

Introducing a new feline to your existing cat family requires careful planning and a slow approach to help foster positive interactions and reduce potential conflicts among them. Here are the steps to follow –

1.Prepare private spaces

Set up a separate room or area with all the essentials for the newbie cat, including food, water, a litter box, toys, treats, and a cozy hiding spot. This will serve as a safe haven for the new cat initially.

2.Scent swapping

Swap bedding or blankets between the new cat and resident cats to help them become familiar with each other’s scent. This can be done by exchanging their beddings.

3.Slow introductions

Begin introductions by allowing the cats to see and smell each other without direct physical contact. Use a baby gate or a cracked door to separate them initially. Gradually increase the duration of these supervised interactions so they get used to each other.

4.Controlled one-to-one meetings

Once the felines seem comfortable with each other’s presence, you can encourage controlled one-to-one interactions. Use treats, praise, and toys to create positive associations during these encounters. If any signs of aggression or tension occur, separate the cats until the fury abates, and try again later.

5.Encourage sharing spaces

As the cats become more friendly with each other, gradually increase their access to shared spaces in the house, of course, under supervision. Monitor their behavior closely and provide plenty of positive reinforcement.

6.Patience and equal attention

Give each furball individual attention, affection, and playtime to discourage jealousy or rivalry. This will help establish a positive association with the new cat’s presence in the home.

Remember, the introduction process can take time and should be tailored to the individual personalities and temperaments of the kitty cats involved. It’s important to be patient, provide a calm environment, and seek guidance from a veterinarian or a professional animal behaviorist.

Simultaneously consider being prepared with bundled cat insurance to manage your furry family’s unplanned vet expenses effectively. Note that the pet insurance cost can be much less than the cost associated with non-routine vet visits during challenging health scenarios, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy.


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